Why Do Cats Meow At You? (10 Reasons For This Behavior)

Last updated on February 4th, 2023 at 06:11 am

Why do cats meow at you? They could be responding to your communication or to say thank you, or to say hello or to show you their presence,...etc. The article points out total 10 different reasons for this behavior of cats.
Image Credit: Sandy Millar

Being a way for cats to comprehend information, as a cat mom or dad, you at once meowed at it to pass it a message. Perhaps they understood and responded accordingly. However, have you ever thought of why cats meow at you? Except for people, you will barely catch a cat wailing to its fellow. What could be the reason? What’s their intention for meowing at you?

This article is meant to help you identify the logic of why cats meow at humans and the manner you should react when they do.

Why Do Cats Meow At You?

We are less observant of the gestures of a cat and, on occasion, disregard them when they pursue to relay a message. But even with so, if we could, it would not be easy to discern the exact information they are passing. Consequently, cats have brought themselves to adjust to the situation.

They have grasped that when they meow at us, we concentrate on them. Meowing is commonly described as a mode by which cats interact with people hoping to attain their wants. Journal of Comparative Psychology outlines that a domesticated cat will not meow the same as a wild cat.

Meowing by a cat implies something. Most times, it either wants your concentration turned towards them or needs you to satisfy something for them. Your cat may be in danger, need food or is uncomfortable. Generally, cats will not meow to their holders without reason, even without similarly expressing themselves. If you disregard their meowing, they will persistently do it until you respond.

1. It is a way for them to respond to your self-expression

It is justifiable why they have slang copycats. A cat will meow back at you when you meow at them. As a cat parent, you ought to have well-figured-out schedules, activities and approaches because a cat will imitate you. This asserts an improvement in the cats’ mindfulness of their possessors compared to what was assumed.

2. To show their gratefulness

You will notice the tenderness of a cat regardless of its known ugly characteristics. They will meow at you to send their love. A cat will certify her loyalty to you by lying on your palms, babbling, and swinging their tail towards your chest. Home cats are given names to which they can discern when they or their caregiver’s names are mentioned. They will likely answer when you acknowledge their terms or talk to them.

3. To greet you

A cat meows at someone as a means to say hi. Upon arrival at home, your cat is fascinated and will meow at you to salute you. They meow at you because they missed you and are pleased for the return of your presence. They will follow you around with a soft meow. This is to say hi as they resume their schedule of playing around or taking a nap in the sun.

4. To unveil their presence around you

Moreover, a cat will meow at you to make it known that it is in your space. This is when it comes to playing or taking a rest. Also, it could be when it is mischievous, for instance, finding what’s up the ceiling. When they meow, they want approval from within themselves as they contemplate whether to do it. Sometimes their urge could be surpassed by fear. You may attempt to motivate them to try it out. Achieve this by tenderly speaking to them while

5. To intrigue your attention

cats will meow at you depending on their want. A cat will make a loud meow if it wants your attentiveness towards them. However, if it seems not to be in danger, the extent to which it will meow can be compared to the drop of a plastic cup. However, this only cuts across some cats.

They would do this for aims such as being given their meal, wanting attention or eased from the discomfort of having a blanket stuck on their bodies. Being relieved of pain, caressed, enjoying playing around, being in a clean ambience, being let out of a room they are not comfortable in, and being offered meals and drinks are some things a cat would ask their possessor.

If you fulfil all their physical needs and they persistently meow at you, ensure that a veterinary doc looks out for them. It could be that their health is at peril, a stomach disorder or something.

6. To send you a caution

A cat also gets angry and will give a meow to alert you that it is ready to strike. The tones of the meows are usually low but followed by a scream. If you deny the cat going out to play, it will growl. If a cat sees a dog or an animal, it does not like; it will likely send a cautioning growl. Even after conveying the cautioning growl, it reacts by striking in a snap when its desire is not fulfilled.

7. They feel deserted

Another reason a cat will meow at you is that it feels alone. Cats admire and honour their parents, even when it’s not outright. Cats want to feel at home by being in your presence. They want to be around you and feel your cuddles. They may only require a little time, but you must schedule some time for them. Ensure you take care of all your little kitty’s needs. If you can barely have time together, consider getting them a companion.

8. They could be in danger

You will easily discern when your cat is in danger by the sound and tone of its meow. You should pay attention if your cat pulls you while repeatedly meowing at you. Something needs to be fixed. However, some of these meows could mean that your cat requires a sexual significant other, which can be confused to be a danger.

Other animals or people could be why cats can’t stop meowing since they are afraid. Catnips are vets go to other than carriers which cats are not comfortable in this continuous irritating meows. If a cat is not feeling well, it typically makes a less loud meow which you can quickly tell that not all things are okay.

9. An unhappy cry

Commonly known as the yowls, these lengthy and often annoying meows might signify a health condition. A distended abdomen or high fever could lead to such meowing. However, too much yowling may symbolize a cat’s sexual urge. Those cats yet to be neutered are likely to make extreme meows or, rather, yowling in this case. Ensure you regularly contact your veterinarian for checkups for your cats.

10. They love to talk

Similar to human beings, cats love to socialize, and they possess a unique charisma. This way, it can make them talk too much, which can sometimes be bothersome. Siamese cats have exceptional character as they are so interactive. They are delighted being in their possessors’ presence 24/7 while speaking directly to their ears.

RELATED: Why Cat Meows at Night

Am I To Meow Back At My Cute Little Cat?

Well, meow back at your cat if you wish to. By doing so, the cat will meow back as it is contented to know that you apprehended its message to you. Additionally, it is a way to say thank you for listening to it. To add a little bit of fun and happiness, it will meow at you with a sound similar to how you said it.

Remember that your cat meows for a reason. It could want to have fun by playing around, being given meals or water, or being cuddled. If you can’t seem to give it the attention it’s asking, messing around or leaving your sight will be the next thing it will do.

Is My Cat Able To Comprehend What I Mean When I Meow Back At It?

There is no evidence yet that cats can discern words or whole sentences. Instead, cats can understand the tone of voice, the glares you give them, and the expressions you use towards them. You must find out whether your cat can understand anything from you. Ensure you engage them daily, as it is from regular training, that they can adapt to what you tell them.

Speaking advantages not only your health but also the cats. It boosts their loyalty and adds to their fascination. There can feel at home and convinced that safety is encompassed around them. Lack of anxiety and fear brings them rapid growth.


You may not realize it but making a few meows within a day makes a cat’s day. That’s one of the best things we can offer following their domestication as they located how to talk to us. Do not think cats meow at us just because they want us to give them our mindfulness; remember that it can symbolize an underway tragedy. Ensure that you recognize signs that are related to diseases before panicking. They are only interested in sharing their day.