When Should You Neuter Your Cat? And What Does It Cost?

Last updated on February 12th, 2023 at 10:13 pm

When should you neuter your cat? You can start neutering procedure when your cat reaches 5 to 6 months of age.
Image Credit: Rodnae Productions/Pexels

Cats are known to produce a lot during their lifetime. Both female and male cats are always excited to mate, but males are a bit more problematic. Females can only give birth to a certain number of kittens, but male cats, can mate with tons of females and then produce hundreds of kittens in just one month. Neutering your male cat might be one of the best decisions that you’ll ever make. As male cats won’t stop mating till the end of time, the best way to control their action is to get them neutered. But when should you neuter your cat?

The answer is as soon as possible. Cats as young as 5-6 months can be neutered by professionals, and it’s actually for the best. It’s the best time before their maturity age, or as we said, before they can create cute little kittens. This article will explain neutering when you should neuter your cat, and why. So, without further ado, let’s start.

What is Neutering?

Neutering is a medical technique performed on male cats to prevent them from having the ability to father offspring in the future. It is a straightforward process that is carried out surgically by veterinarians. The procedure consists of the veterinarian performing a simple operation to remove the male reproductive organs of your cat, which are the organs responsible for the production of sperm in cats. 

The neutering treatment is recommended by veterinarians primarily to prevent male cats from generating offspring. The presence of male cats is the primary contributor to the existence of millions of stray cats in the United States alone. The organization PETA estimates that there are already over 60 million stray cats living in the United States, and that figure continues to rise daily.

When Should I Neuter My Cat?

Cat starts maturity at the age of 5-6 months. They can start having kittens during puberty and maturity and impregnate hundreds of female cats. They may look small, but do not be fooled; your cat can start spreading his genes at that time. That is why it is also recommended to do the neutering procedure at the age of 5-6 months.

A lot of organizations are also aiming to start the neutering process at the age of less than 5 months as they believe that without supervision, your cat may accidentally get someone pregnant when they reach maturity. As that age is 5 months, they recommend neutering at less than 5 months. Don’t worry, 5 months is just the standard age, but it’s also safe for them to be neutered at 4 months. 

If you are considering getting a cat from a shelter, you should know that most of them have already been spayed or neutered. You might, however, inquire with the owner whether they neutered the cat. If not, you should get to it as soon as you can. Some animal shelters already have their own physicians who do neutering and spaying, while others will direct you to a facility that is both affordable and safe for your pet.

Common Misconceptions About Neutering

If spaying or neutering a pet is beneficial, then why do so many people choose not to do it with their furry family members? Because there are so many myths and false notions about neutering, it should be no surprise that many individuals have believed them.

First of all, they believe that neutering your cat will alter their cat’s behavior. People who love active cats don’t like that their cats may be quiet once they are neutered. Well, the answer is quite the opposite. Neutered cats will stay the same after they are neutered. They will still play and bond with you; the only thing that will change is their interest in mating. Since they don’t have the urge to mate anymore, they will stop caring about female cats.

Another weird misconception about neutering is that people believe it can cure their cat’s illness. Naturally, this will lead more cat owners to neuter their cats; however, we have to debunk it. Neutering can improve your cat’s health, but it won’t cure every single illness. It is not a medicine but a technique to stop cat reproduction.

Is it Safe?

Neutering is considered a routine surgery, which indicates that it is one of the least complicated and most often performed surgeries by veterinarians. There is a 99% probability that your veterinarian has neutered many other cats before your cat; therefore, they will undoubtedly be highly confident in their ability to do the procedure. 

It is highly safe, and your cat should have no trouble recovering from it. Following the treatment, your veterinarian will provide you with some medicines to expedite the healing process and some aftercare recommendations to follow to ensure the best possible outcome. In general, you can be confident that your cat is safe.

Why Should I Neuter My Cat?

As previously stated, neutering a cat can provide a lot of benefits that some fur parents don’t know. But since you are already here at this part of the article, let us give you some information on why you should neuter your cat. Let’s keep it simple.

  • Neutering can improve your cat’s health. 
  • It can lower the chances of getting medical problems.
  • It helps in controlling the general population of cats.

It’s a short list, but it will give you plenty to go on. Neutering is a normal process; typically, you won’t notice the changes. However, it produces a significant impact on the world and your household. Neutered cats show a lot of improvement in their health and have a lower chance of getting a disease. This is maybe because they don’t bother walking around town to find a mate. Usual diseases are spread across streets and other stray cats, so the fact that they are most likely to stay home makes them far from all these potential diseases. Cats are also more likely to stop being aggressive to other cats and even people.

In addition, the most important part of why you should neuter your cat is to help control the general population of cats. Imagine, aside from the part that your cat will show improvement in almost everything, you will also help millions of cats and hundreds of shelters just by not adding to the general population problem. It’s a simple step that can lead to a greater impact. Rather than producing more cats, go to the shelters and adopt one. It will also help lower the statistically sad truth of cats being euthanized because there are no people to adopt them. If you still refuse to neuter your cat, it’s only normal for us to disclose the possible implication of your decision too. Here’s what is coming for you:

  • Unwanted litter of kittens.
  • Aggressive behavioral issues.
  • Possible health implications.

Take note that possible health implications can vary. They might get viral infections or sickness from humping and roaming around the streets to find female cats.

How Much Does it Cost to Neuter My Cat?

People who are unable to pay for the procedure can take advantage of the numerous animal clinics that provide free spaying and neutering services. If you choose the free clinic, you should know that you will receive the surgical procedure but not the aftercare that is often included with expensive treatments. It also is dependent on the nation in which you are currently located. Here is an example of what the cost of spaying or neutering is in a few different countries:

  • Canada: $200 – $400
  • United States: $100 – $200
  • United Kingdom: Roughly £75
  • Asia: $100 – $200

As can be seen, everything depends not only on the location but also on the clinic itself. Because spaying a female cat involves more steps than neutering a male cat, the surgery cost is significantly higher. Private clinics often do a lot of bloodwork and other tests to determine whether your cat is healthy enough for the treatment. They further provide consulting and aftercare, contributing to the cost increase.


Neutering, which is also called “castration,” is a standard procedure that many male cats have had. Many cat owners throw away unwanted cat litter on the street without even looking, so this is a way to cut down on the number of stray cats in the area. Neutering male cats have become the standard in the industry, and more and more cat owners are giving the procedure serious thought.

Remember that no matter how much we love cats, having a lot of kittens could be a lot of work, and we need to do everything we can to stop this from happening. Even if the cat is very young, it can be neutered as early as 5 months. If money is your biggest concern, free clinics all over the country can help you and your cat. Think about all the bad things that could happen if you turned down the idea and talk to your vet about the operation to put your mind at ease. Always remember that prevention is better than cure; this is how we will stop cats from having too many babies.