Do Cats Protect Their Owners?

Last updated on February 13th, 2023 at 03:18 am

Do cats protect their owners ?" Quick answer is Yes, they do, and they have many ways to show you such as they follow you around, they eliminate bugs and pests, they perform the zoomies, etc
Image Credit: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels

If you are reading this article, most likely you are having this question in mind: “Do cats protect their owners ?” Quick answer is Yes, they do, and they have many ways to show you.

It is impossible to deny dogs’ powerful reputation for being primary and conspicuous protectors. If people are concerned about their safety, they are more likely to get a dog as a pet than a cat. However, one thing that should not be overlooked is that cats can also form a unique link with their owners and shield them from potential danger.

The common conception of cats is that they are cold and uncaring, especially in comparison to dogs. However, you may have observed that your cat is quite protective of you. This runs counter to the prevalent conception of cats.

Cats are pretty possessive of their living space and the person or people who provide them with love, care, food, and shelter. They accomplish this by closely following their owners and eradicating any potential hazards from the vicinity of those they care about. Let’s take a closer look at how your cat protects you and your family and the reasons behind this behavior.

Do cats have a protective attitude?

The common perception of cats is that they are cold and distant, even to the ones who love them the most. However, the reality is that cats may be just as protective of their people as dogs are of theirs. To put it another way, cats adore their families and know their families love them just as much. Researchers demonstrated, for the first time in a ground-breaking study published in 2011, that “cat-human relationships are nearly identical to human-only bonds.”

A cat’s instinct is to defend its territory and the one they share with you. Cats are increasingly likely to protect their pet parents against strangers or acquaintances that they perceive to be hostile. Even though they are skilled hunters, cats often find humans intimidating due to their size and complexity.

In an article published by National Geographic, the renowned animal behaviorist Dr John Bradshaw warns against the common human temptation “to imagine that [cats] have thoughts and intentions rather like ours.” Even if it’s cute to think of your cat coming to the rescue in a crisis, they are unlikely to have the same perspective on what they’re doing in real life. Likely, your cat is only acting on instinct if it tries to defend you against anything (or someone) else.

True life story of heroic cats

It’s hard to believe that our feline friends can also be our lifesavers. As they have the reputation of being aloof, we tend to overlook that they can do something unique for us. Here are some real-life examples of cats protecting their owners from harm.

  • In May of 2014, a tiger cat named Tara fought off a dog attacking a young kid who was only 4 years old. “It did appear to me that the cat knew exactly what [she] was doing, and [she] ran in to attack the dog,” the speaker says. According to animal behaviorist Nicholas Dodman, “people have noted that cats can be protective of other individuals, whether it’s a dog or a cat or a person,” and this can apply to any species.
  • Pudding was a stray dog that Amy Jung and her son Ethan took in and adopted in February of 2012. After a few hours had passed, Jung fell into a diabetic coma while she was sleeping. Pudding hopped on her mom and poked her till she woke up long enough to call out to her kid. She seemed to have some premonition about this. The cat then entered Ethan’s room and jumped on him until he woke up and called for assistance. Ethan then contacted the authorities.
  • In 2009, a cat named Tiger started getting into Lionel Adams’ bed and dragging one of his paws up the left side of his human body. As it turned out, the man had lung cancer in stage 1, and the cat somehow detected it. In the end, surgeons had to remove a portion of his lung. Adams thinks that if the offender hadn’t been pawing, the situation could have gone on for another five or six months without anyone noticing.

Cats are sensitive to changes in the energy surrounding them. They can pick up on natural disasters, predators, and diseases that could harm humans and their planet well before we see or hear them coming. These things could potentially harm humans and their world. And the selflessness shown by cats in the stories shown above endears these watchful moggies even further to our hearts.

Different things that cats do to protect their owners

Cats make excellent pets and protectors. These are simple indicators that cats exhibit to protect their owners. You may also notice that your cat undertakes a variety of ways to demonstrate its love and protection for you.

  • They Follow You Around Everywhere.

First, you may have observed that your cat follows you around the house, mainly when you use the restroom or go to bed. They follow you to obtain and give you protection. This suggests that you and your cat have a strong bond.

This is why they want to track you while you engage in activities that could put you in danger (like using the bathroom or sleeping). This indicates that your cat trusts you and wishes to keep you safe.

  • They Eliminate Pests.

Your cat also protects you by eliminating any vermin in the area (mice, cockroaches, rats, snakes, etc.). Of course, this isn’t only for you; it’s also an intuitive hunting behavior for cats.

However, suppose your cat has built a strong bond with you. In that case, they will direct their hunting efforts toward your shared territory as a protective mechanism.

  • They Perform The ‘Zoomies.’

Another indicator that your cat is attempting to protect you is the presence of “the zoomies.” This is when your cat runs around the house at breakneck speed!

Your cat could just be being playful, but zoomies often indicate that your cat smells danger, such as a storm approaching or a scary noise that your ears can’t hear (but your cat’s ears can).

Their senses are far more sensitive and precise than humans. They can detect minute changes in barometric pressure, for example. Suppose you reside in an earthquake, thunderstorm, tornado, or hurricane-prone area. In that case, you may discover your cat’s zoomies precisely connect with impending terrible weather.

  • They Make You Feel Better.

Many cats are affectionate and enjoy cuddling up to their owners, which indicates that your cat feels protective of you. Anyone who has owned a cuddling cat will tell you that a cat can tell when you’re depressed or sick.

When cats sense your need for consolation, they will lay on you, cuddle next to you, and purr. Even cats who don’t usually appreciate cuddling can cuddle you if you’re sick.

While cats snuggle with you for security, their purrs reveal a more in-depth story. Purring happens when your cat is happy and secure, but it may also purr when it is sick or needs to comfort itself.

According to research studies, purring happens at a frequency that can accelerate the cat’s healing process. Your cat may be purring while laying on you because they are attempting to heal you with their purring, just as they heal themselves with this self-soothing strategy.

  • They Are Fighting For You.

Finally, a cat may completely protect you from harm. There have been numerous documented incidents of cats defending humans against the elements, dogs, other cats, and even other humans.

A cat’s natural tendency is to flee danger. Still, the safety and security you provide as that cat’s colony may motivate your cat to stay and fight to protect you.

Is it possible for my cat to be overprotective?

Cats can be aggressively protective in particular situations. Pay attention to your cat’s nonverbal communication to determine what’s making your kitten defensive.

Look for the following cat body language to see if your cat is in bodyguard mode:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Pointed ears resembled satellite dishes.
  • Tail movements are sharp and fast.
  • Crouched posture.
  • Teeth and/or claws that are visible.
  • Screeching, hissing, or growling.
  • Scratching or biting.

Does having a cat provide its owner with protection from spirits?

It has been speculated for a long time that cats, with their highly developed senses, can catch glimpses into other realms or dimensions, particularly the occult spiritual realm. Since the early 1200s, the Catholic Church has been sure that cats, especially black cats, have something to do with witchcraft.

Some people believe this can be traced back to ancient Egyptian religious traditions that venerated cats, which can be traced back to old Roman pagan customs. This may be where the link between witchcraft and the occult with cats started.

But there is something special about feline friends. Their eyes change color and glow in the dark. They can be stealthy and silent, and the grace with which they move sets them apart from other animals (sometimes). There are, however, an endless number of other myths and legends told by older women that surround these beautiful creatures in many different countries and contribute to the mythology of cats.

Not to mention the disturbing behavior they display, which consists of staring into what appears to be empty space with their pupils dilated, as if they can see something that the rest of us do not. Some things can’t be proven. Today, many individuals think that this behavior is evidence that their cat can see ghosts and spirits and thus protect them from harm. Because there is no evidence for or against something, it is entertaining to speculate about it.

Your cat may keep malevolent, otherworldly entities at bay to protect you. Or, it’s possible that your cat was just zoned out and stared blankly at the wall, much like how we occasionally do the same thing. Whether or not cats possess witchy or occult powers, all cat owners can agree that we love our magical, protective, feline house-goblins just as much as they love us. Whether or not cats have witchy or occult powers, we can all agree that we love our cats just as much as they love us.

Can you trust your cat to keep you safe at night?

Cats indeed keep their owners safe at night. As mentioned earlier, most people have the wrong idea about the depth of the connection between humans and cats.

Do cats protect their owners while they sleep?

Particular cats watch over their owners as they sleep, keeping them safe and protected. How often do you wake up to find your cat standing on your chest and staring at you in the face? They are not just looking to see if you are still with them but have likely been monitoring your whereabouts throughout the night.

Some felines will even wait outside your bedroom door until you nod off to sleep before making their way into their sleeping quarters for the night. It is more common for a cat to sleep at the foot of the bed rather than near its owner. They do this because they have a better sense of security in such a setting. They have a setting that is safer for them to be in, and it makes them more aware of their surroundings in case of an emergency.

Do cats sleep with you to keep them safe?

Suppose a dangerous animal attacks them at night while sleeping next to you. In that case, they will be protected and have an additional line of defense. They will sleep with you because they have concluded that you can be relied upon, that you do not pose a risk to them, and that you can, if necessary, provide an additional layer of protection.

Final words

Cats protect their territory by keeping a watchful eye on the people in it. It may not be the norm, but cats are there to protect you as their owners. They won’t let anyone, not even your closest friends or relatives, come near you, which could pose a problem in some situations. Protecting their territory is a public demonstration of loyalty for cats and a natural part of their behavior.

Cats can view their owners as valuable belongings, just like they do toys. They express their appreciation by remaining faithful and standing up for you no matter what. The protective behavior of your cat is a way for them to communicate their adoration for you and their conviction that you play an essential role in their life. The presence of a cat watching over you may be a symbol of love and affection. There may also be some light purring, head bunting, and licking with this guarding behavior.

Also read: Tips To Help Cats Get Along With Each Other