How To Take Care Of A Sphynx Cat? A Guide To Sphynx Lovers

Last updated on January 27th, 2023 at 09:03 am

How To Take Care Of A Sphynx Cat? Providing them with plenty of litter and a designated area to urinate and defecate.
Image Credit: Alexey Demidov/Pexels

Do you plan to have a Sphynx cat as your furry friend at home? It is one of the best pets you can have near you due to its amazingness. However, knowing how to take care of a Sphynx cat is the most important thing. But before you know how to take care of this pet, there is much you need to know about Sphynx.

The Sphynx cat (sometimes called the Canadian Sphynx) is a cat breed characterized as hairless. The lack of fur on its body naturally occurs genetically.

History of a Sphynx cat

The history of Sphynx cats dates back to the 1960s. This breed of cat was developed by breeding particular cat breeds. The Sphynx breeding contemporary is based on hairless cat breeds from Russia, such as Donskoy and Peterbald. The existence of these cat breeds was not rare even before the beginning of the 1960s when Europe bred them. Indeed, the most existing Sphynx breed has its breeding origin from two different North American hairless felines.


Sphynx cats are unique generally and perhaps beautiful breeds. Besides their body being hairless, these breeds have characteristics like having a round belly, big ears, nimble toes, and eyes with lemon shapes.

The male Sphynx weighs up to 14 pounds while the female around 6 pounds. Their size is often the medium-sized of a house cat. These breeds also are characterized by other traits like several wrinkles in their body, especially on the face.

Like the traditional or typical house cat with a unique fur coat, the skin of the Sphynx species is always patterned or pigmented. It’s not necessarily these breeds that have the same body color; their body may contain various markings with a range of different colors.

In addition, although they are of nude appearance, Sphynx cats are affectionate, intelligent, and charming.


One of the best things about how to take care of Sphynx cats is understanding their diet. Foremost, you need to know these breeds are affected mainly by gaining weight which you should often help them manage — these breeds of cats like to eat fish, meat, and liver. From the kitten to adult, they should eat according to their digestion stability or growth development. High-quality pet food should be given to kittens. The adult ones can eat raw fish, meat, milk, and raw eggs; however, kittens should be kept away from eating such foods as they can cause health issues.

Cost of a Sphynx cat

Sphynx cat is one of the most expensive cat breeds because of its rare nature and their maintenance. The cost of this cat varies from region to region and depends on the breed. Purebred sphynx cats can cost between $1500 to $10000. However, sometimes it can be more, especially with a valuable breeder reputation. The cost can also vary based on its size, and origin size.

How to take care of sphynx cats

Sphynx, or hairless cats, are lovable and attractive cats to own. These cats are loved for their kind and loyal nature and unique personality. However, these data have higher maintenance than any other cats because of their harmless nature, so they need more specialized care. Caring for a harmless cat involves a lot of hard work because of the lack of hair on their bodies to protect them from external elements like the cold. If you are planning on getting a sphynx cat, there are essential tips you need to understand before you welcome your feline friend at home.

1. How to wash a sphynx cat

As a future sphynx cat owner, you must know that these cats require more frequent baths than haired cats. Hair aids in operating sweat and oil from the skin, and so since these cats lack fur, their skin is incredibly sweaty and oily. This implies that the breed requires a regular basis to maintain clean, healthy skin. When washing them, ensure you use warm water and a medicated shampoo with no strong scent. For more specific recommendations, it is advisable to reach your vet. It is also vital to ensure that all the shampoo is cleaned to prevent damage to the skin after drying.

2. How to groom a sphynx cat

While Sphynx cats do not need brushing, basic grooming is vital. Some basic grooming is acne care, nail clipping, and ear cleaning. Since their skin is uncovered, they are vulnerable to building up hence the reason it is important to watch them keenly and groom them when necessary.

3. Nail Clipping

Sphynx cats are susceptible to various materials lodged in their nails because they lack hair. By regular nail clipping, all the possible blockages will be removed, keeping the feline free of diet-related illnesses. When nail clipping, use a nail clipper learned for cats and avoid getting to their claws to prevent injury.

RELATE: Do Cats Shed Their Claws?

4. Cleaning the ears of a sphynx cat

Since these cats lack fur, they need regular ear cleaning to prevent build, which might eventually result in ear canal blockage. Use a wet wipe or soft cloth to clean the ears. The ears are suitable for cleaning after a bath because, after a bath, the wax is likely to be soft. Use a cat ear cleaner to clean the ears.

5. Acne care

Acne is more prevalent in sphynx cats because their skin is vulnerable to dirt and blackhead buildup. To avoid skin issues, clean the blackheads by washing the breakout with antibacterial soap and warm water.


The Sphynx cats exist in a variety of coat types and personalities, from laid back to high energy. They make great family pets but may require more attention than other breeds. You need to know that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to taking care of a sphynx cat, as their needs vary depending on their personalities and health.

However, some general tips for taking care of a sphynx cat include providing them with plenty of litter and a designated area to urinate and defecate. As well, providing them with the right and enough exercise and providing them food and water in a clean and fresh environment is essential. Ensure where they sleep is in good condition, and you take them to a vet for regular checks. Your pet’s vet may also give you additional care for your Sphynx according to its health condition, which you need to follow.